4.3. Release#

This page is intended to provide information about our release process. First, we discuss the version formatting, after which we discuss the actual creation and distribution of a release.

4.3.1. Version format#

Semantic versioning is used: Major.Minor.Patch.Pre[N].Post<n>.

Major is used for releasing breaking changes. For example, when the database

model has changed, a new major version should be issued.

Minor is used for releasing new features, enhancements and other changes that

are compatible with all other components. An example is the release of a new endpoint.

Patch is used for bugfixes and other minor changes

Pre[N] is used for alpha (a), beta (b) and release candidates (rc) releases and the

build number is appended (e.g. 2.0.1b1 indicates the first beta-build of version 2.0.1)

Post[N] is used for a rebuild where no code changes have been made, but where,

for example, a dependency has been updated and a rebuild is required.


Post releases are only used by versioning the Docker images. Code changes should never be released with a .post[N] version.

4.3.2. Create a release#

To create a new release, one should go through the following steps:

  • Check out the correct branch of the vantage6 repository and pull the latest version:

    git checkout main
    git pull

    Make sure the branch is up-to-date. Patches are usually directly merged into main, but for minor or major releases you usually need to execute a pull request from a development branch.

  • Create a tag for the release. See Version format for more details on version names:

    git tag version/x.y.z
  • Push the tag to the remote. This will trigger the release pipeline on Github:

    git push origin version/x.y.z


The release process is protected and can only be executed by certain people. Reach out if you have any questions regarding this.

4.3.3. The release pipeline#

The release pipeline executes the following steps:

  1. It checks if the tag contains a valid version specification. If it does not, the process it stopped.

  2. Update the version in the repository code to the version specified in the tag and commit this back to the main branch.

  3. Install the dependencies and build the Python package.

  4. Upload the package to PyPi.

  5. Build and push the Docker image to harbor2.vantage6.ai.

  6. Post a message in Discord to alert the community of the new release. This is not done if the version is a pre-release (e.g. version/x.y.0rc1).


If you specify a tag with a version that already exists, the build pipeline will fail as the upload to PyPi is rejected.

The release pipeline uses a number of environment variables to, for instance, authenticate to PyPi and Discord. These variables are listed and explained in the table below.

Table 4.4 Environment variables#




Github Personal Access Token with commit privileges. This is linked to an individual user with admin right as the commit on the main needs to bypass the protections. There is unfortunately not -yet- a good solution for this.


Github Personal Access Token with project management privileges. This token is used to add new issues to project boards.


Token from coveralls to post the test coverage stats.


Token used together DOCKER_USERNAME to upload the container images to our https://harbor2.vantage6.ai.




Token used to upload the Python packages to PyPi.


Token to post a message to the Discord community when a new release is published.

4.3.4. Distribute release#

Nodes and servers that are already running will automatically be upgraded to the latest version of their major release when they are restarted. This happens by pulling the newly released docker image. Note that the major release is never automatically updated: for example, a node running version 2.1.0 will update to 2.1.1 or 2.2.0, but never to 3.0.0. Depending on the version of Vantage6 that is being used, there is a reserved Docker image tag for distributing the upgrades. These are the following:




3.x.x release


2.x.x release


1.x.x release

Docker images can be pulled manually with e.g.

docker pull harbor2.vantage6.ai/infrastructure/server:petronas
docker pull harbor2.vantage6.ai/infrastructure/node:3.1.0

4.3.5. User Interface release#

The release process for the user interface (UI) is very similar to the release of the infrastructure detailed above. The same versioning format is used, and when you push a version tag, the automated release process is triggered.

We have semi-synchronized the version of the UI with that of the infrastructure. That is, we try to release major and minor versions at the same time. For example, if we are currently at version 3.5 and release version 3.6, we release it both for the infrastructure and for the UI. However, there may be different patch versions for both: the latest version for the infrastructure may then be 3.6.2 while the UI may still be at 3.6.

The release pipeline for the UI executes the following steps:

  1. Version tag is verified (same as infrastructure).

  2. Version is updated in the code (same as infrastructure).

  3. Application is built.

  4. Docker images are built and released to harbor2.

  5. Application is pushed to our UI deployment slot (an Azure app service).