5.3. Node#

Below you will find the structure of the classes and functions that comprise the node. A few that we would like to highlight:

  • Node: the main class in a vantage6 node.

  • NodeContext and DockerNodeContext: classes that handle the node configuration. The latter inherits from the former and adds some properties for when the node runs in a docker container.

  • DockerManager: Manages the docker containers and networks of the vantage6 node.

  • DockerTaskManager: Start a docker container that runs an algorithm and manage its lifecycle.

  • VPNManager: Sets up the VPN connection (if it is configured) and manages it.

  • vnode-local commands: commands to run non-dockerized (development) instances of your nodes.

5.3.1. vantage6.node.Node#

5.3.2. vantage6.node.docker.docker_base#

5.3.3. vantage6.node.docker.docker_manager#

5.3.4. vantage6.node.docker.task_manager#

5.3.5. vantage6.node.docker.vpn_manager#

5.3.6. vantage6.node.docker.exceptions#

5.3.7. vantage6.node.proxy_server#

5.3.8. vantage6.node.cli.node#